In the British Library’s box files related to this expedition, there are two handwritten documents, which reference recordings made in the Torres Strait Islands and British New Guinea in 1898 and 1904.

We presume these notes were written by Charles S. Myers due to the handwriting and because they reference Sidney H. Ray and Charles G. Seligmann’s work as well, including Ray’s work in Volume III of the Reports of the Cambridge Expedition to Torres Straits (1907). Therefore, it is likely these notes were written between 1907 and 1912.

Sheet 1

Side 1, left hand column

Rigo1C62/1429, C62/1430, C62/1432, C62/1433, C62/1435, C62/1436, C62/1442.

11.2These numbers do not seem to correspond to any numbers presently appearing on the cylinders or their boxes.

Very rhythmical + […] for tonic
drum beats. Alternation of phrases.
Variants return [?] 4th to tonic
+ maj. 2nd to tonic


Drum beats v– From major 6th
to […] defined tonic: very
advanced: [?] ?European
influence. Unlike anything I
know. War-song:


Drum beats […] Descent through
major 3rd to tonic. Often […]
defined[?] + un[…] in character.
Long hold twice


Drum –v Simpler. Slower
monotone on tonic with
occasional ascent to 2nd + dwelling
on it once ascending to 5th + return to tonic
An ‘in land’ singer.


v- Drums. Fourth to 3rd with […] after
[…], but usually descending to


Very clear tonic. Unusual in beginning
with ascent from min 3[?]rd below tonic.
descent from maj. 3rd above to tonic
Shouting (? applause.

Side 1, right hand column

Hulaa3C80/1459, C80/1460, C80/1461, C80/1462, C80/1463, C80/1464, C80/1465, C80/1466, C80/1467, C80/1468, C80/1481; C62/1421 13 Ariparla Kulaa; C62/1425 14 Kele Kele Kulaa; C62/1491 15 Leku Leku Kulaa; C62/1423 16 Palarupu Kulaa; C62/1422 Roro Kulaa.[/mfn] […] New Guinea [?] (see overleaf Ray’s notes)

16.Simple descent through neutral 3rd to
tonic; marked[?] tonicity, simplicity
+ rhythm. small range[?]. Chorus reminded[?] me[?] of Borneo.3Members of the Cambridge
expedition, including Myers, visited Sarawak in Borneo on their way home from the Torres Strait Islands at the end of 1898. Cylinders recorded on this trip form the British Library’s Borneo cylinder collection (C666). There are around 79 cylinders in this collection, although 51 of these seem to be duplicates. Shouts in song.
14.A prolonged [?] […] almost on monotone.
Berani.4C62/1417 Berasi Koita. very much like 16 but less pleasing. rhythmical. + less stress on tonic, + more delay on highest notes.BO’U as Berani: but more like 16 Hulaa. Char[?] minor 3rd. Reminiscent of Sarawak.Ehona Lakatoi.5C62/1418 Ehona Lahato Koita; C62/1452 Ehona Koita Descent through a 5th. with more notes clear tonicity[?]+ d[…] […] it; Elaboration[?]. again reminiscent of Sarawak. V. Pleasing melody.

Wagawaga6C62/1443 Damorea Waga Waga; C62/1444 Kwabiai Waga Waga; C62/1445 Nuauuro Waga Waga; C62/1450 Nuauuro B; C62/1446 Oge Oge Waga Waga; C62/1447 Pediri Waga Waga.

No Sarawak feeling in other songs.
Descent through 5th and 2nd but very long
delay in reaching tonic with
elaboration: get[?] feeling for
defined[?] tonic throughout.


5. V. Descent through a fourth, to tonic.
but with much stress on min 3rd (
maj. 2nd […] note) Shouts in song
War[?] R[…]

Side 2, left hand column

7.Stress on 2nd notes[?] […] min. 3rd + descent to tonic. Primitive. simple; not flemaut[?]
Korne toi7C62/1427 Kornedoi Rigo.(Koiari) Air adapted by Vicaria) Reminiscent of 11. 4th to tonic with descent below to min 3rd which probably the accessory[?] tonic drum beats
Ray. Reports III 5268Reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Strait, volume 3 (1907), by Sidney H. Ray. (Ray 1907:526). calls attention to the “remarkable similarity” between the language at Hula + that of the Solomon Is (Contrariété,9Ulawa Is., Solomon Islands./mfn] Mwala,9Island in Solomon Islands S. Cristoval Is)

Side 2, right hand column

Ray’s songs [?]

1.very simple descent from 2nd to
tonic. recitatif[?] occasionally [?]
use of min 3rd above 2nd
Probably the same as 11 (2)
Seligmann’s Rigo Leku-Leku10C62/1430 11. Leku Leku Part 1; C62/1429 Leku Leku Part 2.
2.Again reminiscent of chorus in
Borneo. probably […] like others
of the group[?]
Run? through min 7[?]th. Chorus
SaibaiNau poidam      [In pen: 22. 2/6. / 2/ 2.] ? A hymn11These two lines refer to cylinders C80/1076 and C80/1080. Their corresponding paper insert notes have the same/similar inscriptions.
Nau poidam 30.

[In pen: Sau[…]]
Descent from 4th to 2nd to tonic.
lay[?] […] tonic. more

Sheet 2

Side 1

between keber

Saibai2 songsMaluz recitatif[?]
Mabuiag1 song old
Malu – […]
= but less feeling
for tonic
Yam2between keber
+ secular
Kiwai12C80/1035, C80/1082, C80/1083, C80/1084, C80/1085, C80/1086 (broken), C80/1087, C80/1088, C80/1089, C80/1090.generally very simple
+ rhythmical
only[?] a few notes
MerMalu -1 Mabuiag
-2 Saibai zogo
-3 Australia

Side 2


– contains songs like Borneo
Ray Reports III 52613

(Ray 1907:526)

like Solomons (Contrariété, Mwala, S. Cristoval)

Haddon)cf Seligmann p. 19.14(Seligmann 1910:19–20, n. 1, written by Haddon)
subservient[?] to Kerepunu – the home of canoe[?] builders[?], who seized[?] their
Rigovery rhythmical + simple
Koitacontains songs like Borneo
others not
Garia, behind Sinaugolo (=Rigo) physically
indistinguishable from them but
with Papuan language, very little
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All content on this page © British Library Board & Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies, unless otherwise stated.

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